No, it’s not a yacht as Ertha Kitt sang. As a person with diabetes please don’t give me sweets or baked goods.
We all know the drill for Secret Santa: Find some little thing that says “Happy Holidays.” Make it pretty with fancy wrapping paper or a gift bags. (Ever spend more on the wrapping than the gift? But I digress.) Add it to the stack in the breakroom. And wait anxiously for the time when the gifts are opened.
Secret Santa poses a number of social dilemnas : Don’t spend more than the set amount. Make sure it’s not too personal. Make sure it’s safe for work. No inside jokes. Etc. Etc. Etc. Add diabetes to the mix and a fun holiday tradition can become one more obligation.
As a person with diabetes I have one small request: Please no sugar fee stuff. Sure you can find sugar free candy, cookies and baked goods. Some of them are yummy but a lot of them are not. Some of them are nicely packaged. But none are carb free. So they aren’t free at all.
Here’s some suggested Secret Santa gifts for those of us who need to watch what we eat:
And when you just can’t think of anything at all a gift certificate works.