In this second installment of postings about SweatBetes exercise videos for people with diabetes, Ginger Vieira and I talk about my first attempt at using the body weight video.
Category: Exercise
Workout Wednesday with SweatBetes
Ginger Vieira of Living in Progress produced a series of exercise videos for people living with diabetes. Developing a regular exercise habit continues to be a challenge for me, so I decided to try out the Sweat-Betes videos and see if they can help me with that.
Can a Dog Be Your Exercise Plan?
Forget the treadmill. Get a dog!
How Inefficiency Helps Me Manage Diabetes
To live well with diabetes I need to add regular exercise to my routine. I am facing up to the fact that I am extremely sedentary. I work at a computer most of the day. Where I live is too far away from shops to walk there. My commute to town means I spend a…
What Jack LaLanne Taught Me About Building a Kingdom
Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together and you’ve got a kingdom. —Jack LaLanne Fitness King Jack LaLanne passed away this week. His New York Times obit called him “the founder of the modern fitness movement.” At 96 he was in better shape than most people half that age. As he got older…
With Apologies to Beyonce…
All the Veggie Ladies from Super Sprowtz on Vimeo. If you’d like to eat healthy, put a veggie on it…Yum, yum, yum…