November is a special month…
Spinning Dinner Plates is bringing you 30 days of posting yum for people with diabetes.
Category: Soul
No Cure for Diabetes: What that DOESN’T mean
Last week I had a bit of a rant about there is no cure for diabetes…
Just because there isn’t a cure (yet) doesn’t mean it’s time to curl up and get ready to die a horrible death.
No Cure for Diabetes: What that means…
Diabetes is complex and not completely understood. There is no cure.
Diabetes Meme
This week a number of bloggers are posting diabetic memes. I decided to join them…
Writing this meme was an interesting experience. It made me stop and reflect on what having diabetes is like for me, not just sit in that cloud of generalizations about having this medical condition.
What’s Your Family Bonding Secret?
Three of the five people responding said food to this man-on-the-street interview question. One smiling round-faced woman said “baking.” I imagine her kitchen filled with the smell of freshly-baked cookies. My reaction was mixed.
What’s to eat?
What’s to eat? When you have diabetes that’s a loaded question.