Living Well With Diabetes: 5 Strategies

When I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes it took the wind out of my sails.

It really made me stop. It made me stop, and think, and feel, and worry. I thought of all the people I know that have diabetes. I thought about how well or poorly they managed their health. I felt sad and scared and overwhelmed. I worried that I would fail.

As with any chronic illness, diabetes means you have to change the way you are living. You have to do something. If not, it only gets worse.

I am determined to live well with diabetes.

What does that mean? It means different things to different people. For me it means I take care of myself so that I can keep doing the things that are important to me. I take care of myself so that I have energy and am clear headed.

What strategies do I use to live well with diabetes?

There are five of them:

1. Know my life priorities.
2. Know my health priorities.
3. Gain knowledge.
4. Be resourceful.
5. Reach out.

By using these strategies over the last two years I’ve brought my A1C level down by half. I’ve started to exercise. I eat more healthfully than I have for years. But more importantly I have the energy to do the things that are important to me: be an effective parent, a loving wife, a productive writer, etc., etc., etc.

I won’t say it’s always easy (especially when faced with two kinds of pie at the Thanksgiving dinner table). But I will say it’s worth it.

Over the next week I’m going to write about each of these strategies and how you can use them to live well with diabetes (or any chronic health condition).