Oh, if only there was a miracle cure. People living with diabetes would flock to it and this would all be solved.
Tag: #dstory
You’re the reason healthcare is so expensive…
The medical landscape is complex. There is no one thing that is driving costs.
It’s a Lifestyle Disease…
In fact, we “don’t fully understand why some people develop type 2 diabetes and others don’t.”
Stigma, it’s made up of a million microaggressions.
Why aren’t there more Type 2 bloggers?
People living with Type2 don’t make up 95% of diabetes patient bloggers—not even close. Why is that?
November is Diabetes Awareness Month AND NaBloPoMO
Diabetes Awareness Month and NaBlogPoMo, November seems like a good time to revive my blog with 30 days of post reflection on life with Type 2 diabetes. Let’s see where this goes…