Today’s Theme: Let’s take control of diabetes. Now.
With 285 million people worldwide (that’s 6.4% of the world’s population) living with diabetes it’s been called a pandemic. I am one of those 285 million. And so is my sister. And my other sister. And my brother. And my aunties. And my cousins. And my friend. And my co-worker. And my neighbor. And. And. And…
People have estimated the cost in dollars of diabetes. US$376 billion? US$490 billion? More? How do you put a dollar amount on a life cut short or limited by infirmity?
What we don’t know:
The truth is we don’t understand what causes diabetes. And there is no cure.
What we do know:
We know that if a person with diabetes can keep his blood sugar levels under control (within a range that is close to normal) that person will stay healthier longer.
We know that if a person (with or without diabetes) is physically active that person will stay healthier longer.
We know that if a person knows the risk factors and warning signs for diabetes and pays attention to them that person will stay healthier longer.
We know that if a person suspects he has diabetes seeks medical health sooner (rather than later) that person will stay healthier longer.