Category: Article

You Are Your Own Best Health Advocate

Excerpt: You Are Your Own Best Health Advocate

“I’ve learned a lot from living with type 2 diabetes, but no lesson rings truer than this: no one knows you better than you. “No one else understands what you are experiencing as you manage life with type 2 diabetes. Your medical team will go over your numbers. Friends and family might mention they’ve noticed changes. But 99.999% of the time, you are managing your diabetes on your own. That puts you in a unique–and powerful–position. …” Read the full article on Healthgrades.

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Rejecting the Biggest Insulin Myths With Type 2 Diabetes

Excerpt: Rejecting the Biggest Insulin Myths With Type 2 Diabetes

“In my experience, there’s a misconception that people with type 2 diabetes who use insulin have somehow failed. “As someone who’s lived with type 2 diabetes for more than a decade, and who uses insulin to manage it, this can be frustrating to hear. More than 4 million Americans use insulin as part of their effective management of type 2 diabetes, and it’s nothing to feel bad about. In fact, these opinions are both wrong-headed and dangerous: they ignore the fact that diabetes is a degenerative condition, and the misinformation can prevent people with type 2 diabetes from getting the treatment they need. …” Read the full article on Healthgrades.

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Diabetes Shouldn't Mean Giving Up Who You Are

Excerpt: Diabetes Shouldn’t Mean Giving Up Who You Are

“Right now, all over the world, there are people successfully managing life with type 2 diabetes. Regardless of our culture, race, or ethnicity, we are living full lives. But even though we have the same condition, we don’t all manage diabetes in the exact same way. Each of us has to find a way to care for ourselves within the context of our own lives, cultures, and values. “In diabetes care, some days it might feel like everything is about the numbers. How many grams of carbs have I eaten today? How many steps did I take? What’s my A1C? Hit the numbers and you’re a “good” diabetic—at least that’s what we’re told. “When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, more than a decade ago, I remember the doctor saying I’d need to drastically change my habits in specific ways to hit these numbers. But change is hard,

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Hitting the road. Is it even possible?

July 21, 2020 – Planning a Road Trip During COVID-19

My latest article on is all about that road trip you’re dreaming about. Summer is upon us. Is it time to hit the road? We are all simultaneously anxious to get out of the house after months of restrictions and still stay safe and healthy as we start venturing out. For those of us who live with type 2 diabetes and are at risk of worse outcomes from COVID-19, staying safe and healthy will take some extra thought and effort. Read more here: Planning a Road Trip During COVID-19

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