Category: Medication

Rejecting the Biggest Insulin Myths With Type 2 Diabetes

Excerpt: Rejecting the Biggest Insulin Myths With Type 2 Diabetes

“In my experience, there’s a misconception that people with type 2 diabetes who use insulin have somehow failed. “As someone who’s lived with type 2 diabetes for more than a decade, and who uses insulin to manage it, this can be frustrating to hear. More than 4 million Americans use insulin as part of their effective management of type 2 diabetes, and it’s nothing to feel bad about. In fact, these opinions are both wrong-headed and dangerous: they ignore the fact that diabetes is a degenerative condition, and the misinformation can prevent people with type 2 diabetes from getting the treatment they need. …” Read the full article on Healthgrades.

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The Cost of Testing

The New York Times ran an article last week on the high cost of diabetes—not for society, but for the individual. Protecting Yourself From the Cost of Type 2 Diabetes [ ] By WALECIA KONRAD Published: November 12, 2010 Diabetes patients spend $6,000 on average a year on care, one reason only 25 percent of diabetics get the treatment they need. Oh wow. A useful article about the financial burden of diabetes. Then I read further… The article asks what steps can patients take to reduce the cost of diabetes?

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