I’ve hit the blogging wall. Nine days into National Blog Posting Month and I got nothing…
I’ve got nothing to say today. No new yummy recipes to share. No tips or tricks. No insights. No encouragements. Nothing.
Having made the commitment to blog every day this month, so I went looking for inspiration. I checked out today’s writing prompt at the American Diabetes Association 30 Days of Blogging page:
Tuesday, November 9 News – Thanks to American Diabetes Month®, diabetes has been in the headlines this week. Did you see any diabetes articles that were interesting? Inspiring? Frustrating? While there’s no controlling what the media says, what topics would you cover if you were a reporter?
News? Hmmm… Thought about it. Nothing came to mind.
Then I went to the NaBloPoMo:
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What was your favorite song this year? Five years ago? Ten years ago? Twenty?
My favorite song? Really? Uh, I don’t think so…
Some days are just about nothing. Nothing special. Nothing exciting. Nothing unusual. Nothing inspirational.
And yet we still work our way through those days. We take care of ourselves and those around us. We keep our routines. We do our work. We even play some. Maybe it’s the still moments that help us appreciate the noisy, busy ones. Maybe that’s where and how our batteries get recharged, so to speak. Maybe that’s the value of nothing.