You Are Your Own Best Health Advocate

Excerpt: You Are Your Own Best Health Advocate

“I’ve learned a lot from living with type 2 diabetes, but no lesson rings truer than this: no one knows you better than you. “No one else understands what you are experiencing as you manage life with type 2 diabetes. Your medical team will go over your numbers. Friends and family might mention they’ve noticed changes. But 99.999% of the time, you are managing your diabetes on your own. That puts you in a unique–and powerful–position. …” Read the full article on Healthgrades.

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Rejecting the Biggest Insulin Myths With Type 2 Diabetes

Excerpt: Rejecting the Biggest Insulin Myths With Type 2 Diabetes

“In my experience, there’s a misconception that people with type 2 diabetes who use insulin have somehow failed. “As someone who’s lived with type 2 diabetes for more than a decade, and who uses insulin to manage it, this can be frustrating to hear. More than 4 million Americans use insulin as part of their effective management of type 2 diabetes, and it’s nothing to feel bad about. In fact, these opinions are both wrong-headed and dangerous: they ignore the fact that diabetes is a degenerative condition, and the misinformation can prevent people with type 2 diabetes from getting the treatment they need. …” Read the full article on Healthgrades.

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