You live in Hawaii! Do you love it there?
Well…it’s complicated.
Life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness while living with type 2 diabetes
I spent time in the office. I played Ingress and walked 8KM in the process. My BG ran a little high and I didn’t obsess about it. I attended the DiabetesMine Innovation Summit and caused a ruckus.
Willpower isn’t about pushing yourself to extremes. It’s about making conscious choices and following through on those choices. Blood sugar levels can help or they can get in the way
With over a century of diabetes experience between them Joslin Medalists Tom and Richard share their experiences in a gentle, inspirational video chat.
…what seven things would I put in a time capsule that would be opened in 100 years. As a person with diabetes is it surprising that this chronic disease influenced my list?…
Forget the treadmill. Get a dog!