Chewing sugar-free gum is a good alternative to snacking. Sugarless gum has fewer calories than almost every snack. It’s considered a “free” food. It satisfies that need to chew. And, if you believe the packaging, it taste like desert?
Category: Mind
A Day Without Diabetes
A Day Without Diabetes – Trailer from Kikim Media on Vimeo. Some days I wish I could take a vacation from diabetes. But the real dream is to have a lifetime without diabetes. Until there’s a cure that will remain only a dream.
Be Prepared: Carry Supplies
Having lived through earthquakes (major and minor), tsunami warnings, and power outages I realize how important (and reassuring) it is having my medication and testing supplies with me at all times.
World Diabetes Day – November 14th
Today’s Theme: Let’s take control of diabetes. Now. With 285 million people worldwide (that’s 6.4% of the world’s population) living with diabetes it’s been called a pandemic.
And So the Day Begins…
Good Morning. So, how did your day start out?
Word in Your Hand REVISITED
This diabetes awareness video pictures the hands of people with diabetes and the word that comes to mind when thinking of the disease. Why hands you might ask? Because hands are what you use to reach out. Hands are what you use to hold on. And hands are what you use to test your blood glucose—several times each day.