Wash Your Hands!

It’s grad season here. A busy time filled with celebration, ceremony, and light refreshment. No gathering is complete without some kind of food.

I found myself back home ready to take my dinner dose of insulin after eating dinner. Faced with my BG meter I knew the reading would be high. After all, tonight I was doing this backwards.

But I didn’t expect it to be that high.

It was so high it triggered a text from the CDE. Oh crud. Quickly, I dosed the insulin and took my shot. My phone buzzed.

“Are you okay?” was the text.

I texted back, “Yes, I’m okay. I was out at a graduation and ate before I took my diner meds. Just took my shot.”

Then I looked at my hands. And realized something. I hadn’t washed my hands before testing. And I had eaten pineapple earlier with my fingers. No toothpick. No chopsticks. No fork. Oh, crud.

I quickly washed my hands and tested again. My BG reading was 50 points lower. Still high. But not setting-off-the-alarm high.

I texted the CDE with this update.

And then I realized the dose of insulin I just took was higher than it needed to be. Oh, crap. I had a long night ahead of me. Now I had to monitor my BG to see if it would go too low.


If only I had remembered to wash my hands before testing.

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